Monday, November 8, 2021

Eyob Mekonnen - Debezezesh - Ethiopian Music Video 2021 Ethiopian Oldies - Acoustic Guitar Lesson

 In order to play this song, we will need 6 Barre Chords.

The first chord is F Minor,

The second chord will be D# Major,

The next one will be G# Major,

The next chord will be B Flat Major,

The next one will be C Minor,

And the final chord will be G Minor,

So the chord progression will be as follows,

F Minor - D# Major - G# Major - Bb Major - C Minor - F Minor

then it goes,

F Minor - D# Major - Bb Major - F Minor

then for the bridge part, it plays as follows,

C Minor - Bb Major - G Minor - G# Major

C Minor - Bb Major - D# Major - F Minor

In order to watch the video breakdown of this song, go to

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